Italian Investment Conference

We are participating in the Italian Investment Conference organised by UniCredit in collaboration with Kepler Cheuvreux.

We will be in Milan on 23 May, at the UniCredit Towers, for this event that is a meeting point between the international financial community and the top management of major Italian listed companies.

Fonte: https://www.f54db463750940e0e7f7630fe327845e-gdprlock/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7066345144890855424

SERI INDUSTRIAL S.p.A. · via Provinciale per Gioia, Centro Az. Quercete snc – 81016 San Potito Sannitico (CE) · P.I. 11243300156 REA CE 314821

C.F. 01008580993 · Capitale sociale Euro 106.456.682,03 i.v.