Members of the board

Roberto Maviglia

Graduated in Law at the University of Rome, La Sapienza. Lawyer since 1991. He carries out his professional activity within the Law Firm Associate Maviglia & Partners, providing consultancy for investment solicitation operations, drafting of information prospectuses, IPO, corporate transactions. Previously he was an associate at the Tax Law Firm SLT (Ernst & Young) and of counsel at the law firms Sciumè-Zaccheo & A. and NCTM. He has been director of several companies, including Breda Ferroviaria S.p.A. (1994-1995), Fondiaria Sai (2013) and Mediolanum S.p.A. (2014-2015).

He has been a member of the college of the Ombudsman - Giurì bancario (Banking Conciliator) Italy and Expert/Advisor to the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (1992-1996). He was a lecturer from 1991 to 1992, of the Course on financial markets of the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Rome la Sapienza and in 1993 of Stock Exchange Law at the Faculty of Economics and Commerce at the University of Rome La Sapienza. From 2009 to 2012 he was a member of the Educational and Scientific Council and professor of Master for Intermediaries, Issuers and Financial Markets at the University of Rome La Sapienza, Speaker in Seminars and Conferences on various issues related to corporate law, banking and financial market. He is the author of numerous publications on company law and financial market law.

Luciano Orsini
Vittorio Civitillo
Andrea Civitillo
Marco Civitillo
Annalisa Cuccaro
Manuela Morgante
Rosaria Martucci
Alessandra Ottaviani
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