• Dubatt promotes the UAE Circular Economy Policy and advances the national sustainability agenda
  • One of MENA’s largest recycling facility is being developed at an investment of AED 110 million
  • The 70,000-square foot facility can recycle up to 25,000 metric tons of used lead acid battery ensuring safety for workers and the environment
  • Plans to launch `Made in UAE’ batteries in future as part of vertical integration

Seri Industrial S.p.A. has announced that, on 08 March 2022, the Ministry of Economic Development – General Directorate for Business Incentives – has issued a concession decree in favour of the subsidiary FIB S.p.A. granting an amount equal to Euro 417,046,521.84 deriving from the IPCEI fund, up to the total eligible amounts defined on a funding gap basis.

SERI INDUSTRIAL S.p.A. · via Provinciale per Gioia, Centro Az. Quercete snc – 81016 San Potito Sannitico (CE) · P.I. 11243300156 REA CE 314821

C.F. 01008580993 · Capitale sociale Euro 106.456.682,03 i.v.