Ground has been broken for a combined lead acid battery manufacturing plant and recycling facility in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Italian group Seri Industrial announced on March 22. The company behind the Dubai Industrial City project — Dubatt Battery Recycling — is a joint venture between Dubai-based Regency Group and Seashore Group. Dubatt is investing AED110 million (about $30 million) in the project. Meanwhile, Dubatt is discussing a potential technology partnership with Seri group company, Faam Italia, to also produce advanced lithium ion batteries for electric vehicles and other applications. The 154,000 square-feet recycling plant is to be operational by January 2023, while the advanced lead acid battery plant is set to start operating within the next two years. Regency Group corporate management chairman, Shamsudheen Bin Mohideen, said the battery plant would be commissioned over the next two years and would produce a “made in the UAE battery brand”. The battery plant will be built on a 70,000 square-feet site.

  • Dubatt promotes the UAE Circular Economy Policy and advances the national sustainability agenda
  • One of MENA’s largest recycling facility is being developed at an investment of AED 110 million
  • The 70,000-square foot facility can recycle up to 25,000 metric tons of used lead acid battery ensuring safety for workers and the environment
  • Plans to launch `Made in UAE’ batteries in future as part of vertical integration

Seri Industrial S.p.A. has announced that, on 08 March 2022, the Ministry of Economic Development – General Directorate for Business Incentives – has issued a concession decree in favour of the subsidiary FIB S.p.A. granting an amount equal to Euro 417,046,521.84 deriving from the IPCEI fund, up to the total eligible amounts defined on a funding gap basis.

SERI INDUSTRIAL S.p.A. · via Provinciale per Gioia, Centro Az. Quercete snc – 81016 San Potito Sannitico (CE) · P.I. 11243300156 REA CE 314821

C.F. 01008580993 · Capitale sociale Euro 106.456.682,03 i.v.