Europe has the chance to set global standards for sustainability in the battery market

SERI Industrial, through the subsidiary FAAM, is fully aligned with EU goals for sustainable batteries 

Last week the European Commission has adopted a proposal for a new EU regulation for batteries, to continue towards the path that will lead to a sustainable and fully integrated European Battery value chain, already supported by the European Battery Alliance (EBA) and the Strategic Action Plan on batteries.

The renewed European battery legislation has set targets as part of the Green Deal for the transition to decarbonization and climate neutrality by 2050.

Batteries are primary in this transition. This proposal will ensure that the demand of batteries is met by green electric accumulators with lower emissions.

the European Commission has introduced mandatory carbon footprint labelling of all batteries (industrial, electric vehicles, storage) manufactured or sold in Europe.

The new label involves all the characteristics of the battery, from an ethical supply of raw materials, through the sustainable production and finally to the recycling of the end of life battery.

Seri Industrial’s project for the realization of the first Italian Gigafactory, is in line with goals set by the European Commission and is based on the research, development and industrialization of sustainable batteries for industrial, stationary and electric vehicles applications and also on the recycling/repurposing at the end of life.

The legislation is only a proposal and will need to go through the European legislative system before being enforced through all the Member States.

Seri Industrial Group is confirming its commitment to support the energetic transition to a circular economy and sustainability

Read the European Commission’s press release:


Il governo accelera sui grandi progetti europei d’interesse comune. Finanziato il Fondo Ipcei nato per la microelettronica ed esteso dalla manovra 2020

Microelettronica e batterie. E nella fase successiva tecnologie a idrogeno, auto a guida autonoma, internet delle cose, cybersecurity. L’Italia con un po’ di ritardo prova a finanziare la partecipazione ai grandi progetti europei di interesse comune (Ipcei, important projects of common european interest), una buona opportunità per promuovere delle filiere made in Italy nelle tecnologie più innovative aggregando attorno a un caposquadra più imprese. Dopo qualche tentativo a vuoto, il ministero dello Sviluppo economico è riuscito a ottenere 950 milioni all’interno del decreto agosto. Probabilmente non bastano, ma sbloccano una parte del lavoro avviato.

Nascerà a Teverola una delle prime gigafactory d’Europa. E intanto parte la linea per utlizzi industriali

 Sarà una delle prime fabbriche di celle a ioni di litio e batterie per il settore industriale, storage e dei trasporti in Europa: il progetto del gruppo Seri Industrial è ormai al traguardo. È già cominciata la fase di collaudo per l’impianto realizzato a Teverola (Caserta), nello stabilimento acquisito dalla ex-Whirlpool nel 2017. L’inaugurazione è in programma per febbraio-marzo.

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