Unicredit, Zes e Gigafactory

Within the ZES area, Unicredit provided support to the Seri Industrial Group's plant in Teverola for the production of high-capacity lithium batteries.

The plant, equipped with state-of-the-art technology using an aqueous, non-solvent solution, has recently come on stream and produces 0.35 GWh of batteries. In addition, Seri Industrial is planning to build a Gigafactory, an investment of over EUR 500 million, supported by a European IPCEI project. The future Gigafactory in Teverola 2 will have a production capacity of 8 GWh, twenty times more than the first plant. Unicredit is closely following this development.  

Fonte: Corriere del Mezzogiorno Economy edition of 03/07/2023 Page 3.

SERI INDUSTRIAL S.p.A. · via Provinciale per Gioia, Centro Az. Quercete snc – 81016 San Potito Sannitico (CE) · P.I. 11243300156 REA CE 314821

C.F. 01008580993 · Capitale sociale Euro 106.456.682,03 i.v.